Pro tips to fuel your productivity

How to Turn Life’s Hardest Moments into a Source of Energy and Strength
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

How to Turn Life’s Hardest Moments into a Source of Energy and Strength

No matter how amazing life is, we all face challenges.

Unexpected setbacks. Tough situations. Negative people.

Maybe you’re struggling in your career. Maybe you’re out of a job and can’t find the right opportunity. Maybe you have a boss who makes you feel small or a family member who constantly drains your energy.

We each have our own unique challenges. But there’s one mindset shift that has become one of my absolute favourites - it can help you move through any situation with strength and resilience.

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What High-Energy, Productive People Do Differently
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

What High-Energy, Productive People Do Differently

Most people think energy is about sleep, exercise, and nutrition. And while those things matter, they don’t tell the whole story.

Because if they did, everyone who gets 8 hours of sleep, exercises, and eats a balanced diet would feel amazing every day. And we know that’s not the case.

I’m sure you’ve met people who are always full of energy and drive.

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Complaining: How Small Frustrations Drain Your Energy
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Complaining: How Small Frustrations Drain Your Energy

I recently attended a session on unlocking potential, finding purpose, and managing energy to create success in different areas of life.

There were plenty of interesting insights, but one question stuck with me:

How long do you think you can go without complaining?

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Do What You Love and Love What You Do
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Do What You Love and Love What You Do

I heard this phrase on a podcast recently, and it stuck with me.

The first part - Do What You Love - is a whole topic on its own. It’s about reconnecting with your passions, the things that light you up and fill you up with positive energy, and how that affects your overall well-being. I could talk about that for hours.

But today, I want to focus on the second part: Love What You Do.

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Want More Energy, Focus, and Clarity? Change How You Shower.
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Want More Energy, Focus, and Clarity? Change How You Shower.

Today, I want to talk about something we all do regularly: taking showers.

For most of us, a shower is just part of the daily routine. It’s quick, practical, and often rushed because there’s so much else to do. Whether it’s to wake up and start the day fresh or to wind down before bed, showers often tend to be a simple in-and-out cleanup.

But here’s the thing - showers are actually a kind of magic sweet spot.

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Simple Ways to Build Discipline and Stick to Your Resolutions
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Simple Ways to Build Discipline and Stick to Your Resolutions

As we step into the new year, many of us set resolutions to make life better. But the truth is, most of those resolutions don’t stick - studies show that the majority fail by February.


Because the foundation isn’t there. Without a strong foundation of discipline, it’s hard to keep going once the initial excitement fades.

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Simple Reminders to Dial Up Your Energy
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Simple Reminders to Dial Up Your Energy

As we enjoy the holiday season and prepare for the new year, it’s the perfect time to pause and reflect on what truly fuels us. While we often focus and look for quick strategies to be productive, the real key lies in managing your energy and understanding your unique energy givers and drainers.

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Just Breathe: The Powerful Resource We Forget to Use
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Just Breathe: The Powerful Resource We Forget to Use

Sometimes, the simplest things can have the biggest impact - if we use them intentionally.

This one thing we do all the time without even thinking about it. It is free and accessible to every single one of us.

It has the power to help us feel calmer, more focused, and less stressed.

But we often forget to use it - or don’t use it effectively!

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Ditch New Year Resolutions and Start Now
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Ditch New Year Resolutions and Start Now

Every January, we tell ourselves: “This is the year I’ll exercise regularly,” or “I’ll start meditating daily,” or “I’ll finally eat healthier.” But let’s be honest - how often do those resolutions stick? Most of the time, they fail within the first month because we jump straight into new habits without addressing the root causes that make them difficult to sustain.

Instead of waiting for January to start fresh, use…

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The Most Important Thing We Weren’t Taught About Happiness
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

The Most Important Thing We Weren’t Taught About Happiness

I wish we were taught to explore our inner world as early as we were taught math or reading.

Schools give us tools to navigate the external world, but rarely to understand ourselves.

Imagine if mindfulness, meditation, or self-reflection were mandatory from a young age - helping us listen to our thoughts, slow down, and live with more clarity and intention.

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Clear the Clutter: Making Room for a Calm Mind
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Clear the Clutter: Making Room for a Calm Mind

I love analogies - and I also love a clean home. When my space is tidy, organized, and has a sense of calm, I instantly feel lighter and more focused - it clears my mind and helps me get things done.

Now, imagine walking into a cluttered, noisy room - papers everywhere, dishes piled up, stuff covering every surface. For me, it’s impossible to…

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We May Be Successful But Are We Truly Self-Aware? Why Investing in Self-Awareness Can Transform Success Into Fulfillment.
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

We May Be Successful But Are We Truly Self-Aware? Why Investing in Self-Awareness Can Transform Success Into Fulfillment.

If you’re reading this, chances are you've achieved a lot, and maybe you assume that with every milestone, your self-awareness has grown. After all, as we move forward in our careers, gain experience, and see results, it’s easy to feel confident in who we are and how we show up in the world.

But here’s an interesting finding: the vast majority of us aren’t as self-aware as we think.

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Don't Miss the Moments: Simple Ways to Stay Present This Thanksgiving
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Don't Miss the Moments: Simple Ways to Stay Present This Thanksgiving

Have you ever spent hours preparing for a big event - whether it’s a family gathering, a birthday celebration, a wedding, or an important work event - only to realize, at the end of the day, that you were so caught up in the details that you forgot to enjoy the moment itself?

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Can Music Be Your Secret to More Energy and Focus?
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Can Music Be Your Secret to More Energy and Focus?

If you’re like me, you love a good playlist - whether it’s for getting things done, during a workout, while driving, or even as background noise when you work.

But have you ever really paid attention to which tracks get you in the zone? Do you think about how music actually affects your energy and focus? Most of us just pick music based on mood or activity without realizing its potential as a productivity tool.

What if I told you that music can be a very powerful tool when it comes to...

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Procrastination: How To Use It To Your Advantage
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Procrastination: How To Use It To Your Advantage

Let’s talk about procrastination.

Studies show that around 20% of people are chronic procrastinators, and 95% say they procrastinate at least sometimes.

We’ve all been there, and there’s plenty of advice on how to beat it. Many of us have tried different strategies, yet we still end up putting things off.

Here’s what I think about it.

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How White Towels Can Help You Keep Life Simple
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

How White Towels Can Help You Keep Life Simple

The White Towel Theory (And no, it’s not about giving up!)

When you hear "white towel," you might think of surrendering or giving up, right?

Well, forget that!

Today, I want to share my own spin on the idea - something I decided to call the White Towel Theory. It's all about simplicity, clarity, and keeping life clean (literally and figuratively).

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Stop Sacrificing Yourself for Everyone Else!
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Stop Sacrificing Yourself for Everyone Else!

We all have busy lives - packed work schedules, multiple commitments, and busy homes with kids, pets, and a never-ending list of household chores. We have people to take care of and endless things to juggle. 

In the middle of all this, it’s easy to lose sight of your own needs while taking care of everyone else’s requests and demands.

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Toxic People Drain Your Energy and Productivity
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

Toxic People Drain Your Energy and Productivity

I've had people in my life who left me completely drained. 

After a short interaction, I’d be left with no energy, second-guessing myself, overthinking, and feeling anxious or demotivated. It affected my mood, focus, and productivity.

Have you ever had someone who makes you feel that way? 

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How to Slow Down Time (Or at Least Make It Feel That Way)
Marina Korotkikh Marina Korotkikh

How to Slow Down Time (Or at Least Make It Feel That Way)

I keep hearing this from everyone: "I can't believe it's already August. Where did the summer go? My life is flying by." If you're nodding along, you're not alone. I feel the same!

Why does time seem to speed up as we get older? Is there a way to make summers feel as long as they did when we were kids?

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